who has no website 
                 doesn't exist.
                 what has a website 
                 doesn't have to exist.

ROSA KLEE. musician | writer


singer | pianist | music teacher | philosopher


grown up in fürstenwalde/spree (eastern germany), school,

piano and vocal education, competitions, punkrock

musical and extramusical studies at hfm dresden

philosophical and sociological studies at tu dresden

self-organized composition and (self-)trust studies
philosophy of religion, choir singing and general strike studies in bordeaux (france)


theoretical-practical works and interests around (tags): utopia, capitalism and religion, esoterism, love, feminism, anarchism, intimacy and public space, flowers, trees, self help culture, racism and antisemitism, antiromaism, work and leisure, care and house work, sex work, desire, 'creative' labour, music and class, voice, breath, stage.

permanent project: antifascism in saxony - trials of artistic sharp-seeing and out-blinding

in liaison with problems of self legitimization and responsibility as an artist

currently: learning to play. drums for instance.
/ confrontations with transience, illness, death.

moreover: projects, projects, projects. see also: future/past